SMHI: A little rain in sight around Kosta


According to SMHI, forces fighting forest fires in Kosta do not seem to receive any initial help from above,

There is no rain in sight Friday and early Saturday.

Currently, the emergency service is fighting to extinguish the forest fire that erupted in Kosta, Lessebo municipality, on Friday afternoon. However, according to SMHI forecasts, natural help in the form of rain is not expected in the near future.

Friday night and the beginning of Saturday should be dry, says Sofia Söderberg, a meteorologist at SMHI. Maybe there is a local shed. Later Saturday afternoon and evening, the chances are bigger for the hangars.

– And it's not very good, says Sofia Söderberg

– On Sundays, there may be some more local and powerful hangars. Unfortunately, he can also follow the thunder. Hope that there will be strong gusts without lightning. But it's hard to say. It may be a great local variation, she continues.

In the wind, it will blow about five meters per second, and ten in the villages, Friday night. In the night from Saturday to Saturday, it will blow a little less, then resume Saturday, according to Sofia Söderberg

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