SMHI issues a Class 1 warning for very high temperatures


Along the coast, temperatures will be slightly lower.

While SMHI issued a Class 1 warning for high temperatures, they inform them that for ten days there is an extremely high risk of forest fires in the county and around Sweden.

In many places in the country there is a fire ban, including in the west of Norway, which means that no open fire and, for example , a barbecue in the nature should not be installed. If you shoot again, you could be suspected of breaking the law on accident prevention, which is a crime.

If you want to visit other municipalities during the holiday season, you should check the municipality or county council's website if the fire ban applies. also there.

SMHI Definition for Class 1 Warning for Very High Temperatures:

Maximum daily temperature of 30 to 32 degrees for three to four consecutive days. This means increased pressure on the body, which can cause problems for particular risk groups. If the forecast changes to a more powerful heating period or longer term, the warning is updated to a higher warning class.

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