SMHI warns of high temperatures – News


The heat also follows the local rain and the thunder bushes. The probability of storms is greatest in East Götaland to Blekinge, in some parts of Svealand and in the most southerly and northernmost Norrland

. Furthermore, it is still sunny and very hot.

The warning of class 1 of the meteorological institute for very high temperatures applies to counties Örebro, Västmanland, Södermanland, Uppsala and Stockholm. From Saturday to Tuesday, the maximum daily temperature will be 30 degrees or more.

"After Tuesday, it will always be hot at temperatures above 26 degrees," writes SMHI.

The pressure rises in Sweden on Sunday. 19659005] There is a little less hangar activity and still very hot in some parts of Götaland and Svealand. According to Linus Dock, the Norrbotten is at 25 degrees and 28 at the coast

Unusual heat

The warm air continues to flow early next week to 25-30 degrees in most of the country. From Wednesday and the end of next week, it's more uncertain.

The rain moves from the southeast, from Poland, and can affect Skåne and southern Götaland. However, he is unsure how he is developing and if he is able to penetrate. It is very possible that this high pressure can withstand.

Of course, it's hot in July, but the heat is exceptionally persistent, according to the Linus Dock.

Since the end of summer, the temperature in the country exceeds 25 degrees. June and July were very hot and are in the upper layer.

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