SMHI warns of shock: "This has a negative impact on health"


The summer has up here caused high temperatures everywhere, and now SMHI has issued Class 1 and 2 warnings in several places in the country. Those most affected by heat are at-risk groups such as pregnant women and the elderly. But in general, the heat affects us all.

– There are areas like Östra Svealand, Stockholm, Uppsala, Västmanland, Södermanland and Örebro, for which we issued a Class 2 warning at that time, "says Jon Jörpeland, Meteorologist

in Skaraborg, no specific warning has been issued yet. However, this does not mean that temperatures are not high

– We have been informed that there are high temperatures in all counties of Sweden.

Is heat harmful to us?

– We do not make recommendations, but there are municipalities and county councils that do it. However, it negatively affects health when it is hot in such a long time.

According to SMHI, a Class 2 warning means that the temperature exceeds 30 degrees or more for five days on the rake. In Class 1 warnings, however, high temperatures are also emitted

– Class 1 warnings should be the same as in Class 2 warnings, but in the second, heat is exposed for a few days longer than in the first ones. These high temperatures will last until at least Wednesday, says Jörpeland.

He continues to talk about the current drought in Sweden:

– Wednesday or Thursday there may be local hangars in the country, something that does not work. will affect the drought because it will be so local. This does not affect the risk of fire.

Even though it will burst, it is not certain that there will be a lot of rain in the coming season. The rain that can come is the result of a slightly cooler air coming from the Atlantic.

– That's because it can have a bit of hangar, says Jörpeland.

But the summer heat lasts longer than Wednesday. The rest of the week, says Jörpeland, regardless of the fact that SMHI denies the warnings.

Temperatures will remain high throughout the country – up to 25 to 30 degrees.

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