SMHI: We do not see this end


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A cooler Sunday can make class 2 warnings disappear – so the heat wave continues. "We do not see an end to that," said Lisa Frost, Meteorologist at SMHI.

According to the SMHI hydrologists, who study the water in the land, it takes quickly about 100 millimeters of rain to get rid of the worst drought.

No message of hope

When the drought that caused serious worries for people, plants and animals took over Sweden, there is no message of Hope

– We can see for ten days to come and all we can see is a slight damping of the heat on Sunday. Lisa Frost

Forest fires continue to rage in the country and in large parts of central Sweden, including Jämtland County and Gävleborg County, where the municipality of Ljusdal is very hard. applied. All those who work to extinguish fires do not seem to receive help from the forces of nature. Rather, on the contrary.

– This is not an optimal weather condition, if you say so. Just in these areas, it is hot and hot in the day, it is hot, it seems to bloom. And it's not good at all, it steals more than that helps to say it.

High Pressure Blocks

It's not just in Sweden that it's hot and dry. Large parts of Europe have suffered from this strong pressure.

-We see no indication that it will cool down and that a low pressure will enter. This high pressure has really blocked the low pressure that can cross the Atlantic and back up the North Sea because it does not cross Europe simply.

However, the current Class 2 warnings issued for the eastern parts of Götaland, Svealand and across the south of northern Norway are removed. But that does not mean that the danger is over.

– He will surely send messages on high temperatures. It will expire if you have three days over 26 degrees. As it looks like temperatures are still high next week, this will be the case, says Lisa Frost. [ad_2]
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