So much money places the municipality of Gothenburg on culture | Gothenburg after


In a comprehensive report presented today, the Commission for the Analysis of Culture has listed and reviewed the Society's spending on culture in 2017. In addition, there appear to be significant variations in spending on culture by city municipalities.

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"We have not looked closely at why it seems that municipalities are included in this report, but it is clear that there are variations," said Moa Olin, an investigator and statistician at Culture Analysis Authority, at the Siren News Agency.

To be in the place of money

According to their figures, Umeå is the municipality of the country that spends the most money on culture. The largest city in Västerbotten invests 2,380 SEK per inhabitant. Elsewhere, the small Vara in Västra Götaland will spend less than 450 SEK, 1,933 kr / inhabitant, followed by Emmaboda which devotes 1,873 kr / inhabitant to the crop.

In the lower layer, Överkalix is ​​with 809 SEK / inhabitants, the inhabitants of the municipality of Munkedal with 649 SEK / inhabitants and Nordanstig just north of Hudiksvall, which, with its 572 SEK / inhabitants, is the municipality that invests the least of culture.

Gothenburg reached 52nd place with 1,177 kr / inhabitant of the 290 municipalities that the Authority for Analysis of Culture has deepened. It is slightly worse than Malmö (1 436 SEK / inv) but more than Uppsala (1 022 kr / in) and Stockholm (1 019 SEK / in).

Trollhättan stands out

Trollhättan is the one that invests the most among the neighboring municipalities of Gothenburg. In this country, 1,766 SEK per inhabitant participate in various cultural activities.

"It's very funny, since the nineties we have been more focused on culture, but our politicians are also aware that we are going out and that, given the future investment needs of Trollhättan, we expect more difficult years, "said Christer Olsson, church owner.

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