Social Democrats vallöfte: 800 million against gang crime


The draft anti-gang crime package was presented at a press conference at the headquarters of the Social Democrats in Sveavägen, Stockholm, under heavy media piracy. However, most of the promises were proposals already submitted with the Party of the Environment.

In their election promises, the Social Democrats point out that the penalty for gang crimes should be tightened again. An opinion that they share with all other parties.

The only news of Tuesday is an additional 800 million dollars to three Swedish authorities: the public prosecutor's office, the Swedish courts and the judicial police. 800 million a year, these three authorities will receive, to respond to the new pace when the police "will pass", according to Morgan Johansson.

– The police are delivering more and more suspects. We had 300 more inmates compared to last year, when we are under increasing pressure on the three authorities, "said the Minister of Justice, referring to the government's efforts with the ambition of To employ 10,000 additional police officers by 2024.

However, the money will not be added at the same time without increasing gradually until the total amount is 800 million. Johansson also promises to further simplify for the police to perform camera surveillance. He promises to pull 100 million, money to buy equipment.

Increase the punishment for abuse in court cases and review the minimum sentence for the protection of men and custody.

– Of course, this will also add additional burdens to the Crown, says Johansson.

In addition, they want to further expand police surveillance capabilities. 100 million a year promises S, money to buy equipment.

A proposition that S has already submitted is a punishment for young adults. Today, people aged 18 to 20 receive about 50% fewer punishments than adults. The social democrats want to change that.

Morgan Johansson also proposes a new type of punishment for young people. They can be busy at home in the evening, for example, evenings and weekends and kept by a kiosk. The proposal has already been announced a year and a half ago, but was the subject of an investigation.

– You can go to school as usual, but you will stay home at night in the evening. Morgan Johansson explains that for young people who commit gang crimes.

How will a young adult who has been at home first and perhaps later earn a long prison sentence be reinstated in Swedish society?

– It is about the actions you undertake while they are in jail. Nowadays, we have a lot more professional education than it was maybe 10 years ago. So you can get a job by sitting in jail and maybe reading their notes. Prison can be a necessary environment to break the negative trend, says Morgan Johansson.

Sveavägen 's proposal of today is very similar to many of the proposals of the other parties. Morgan Johansson believes that what separates the package of proposals from the Social Democrats of the alliance, is that the current government does not focus on tax cuts and therefore has more funds to spend. Perhaps he will want to hear on a long-term plan against gang-related crimes.

– If the alliance wins the elections, there is a great risk that Sweden can not afford these reforms. But if we find ourselves in the opposition, we will of course continue to pursue our questions. Facts Action of the Social Democrats against gang criminals

Criminal cases, Swedish courts and the prosecution service allocate 800 million crowns a year. The money will be used, among other things, to increase income.

Strong punishment for assault in the trials, S wants the crime to give at least a year of imprisonment.

Police receive additional funds to purchase photographic equipment.

The "handing over of young people" should be deleted. People aged 18 to 20 should be considered as tough as older criminals. Today, they get about 50% of the sentence.

Youth who have been in a criminal environment should be under house arrest and guarded by a boy.

Faster lawsuits against young people. S wants young people who commit a crime to be executed within 10 weeks, thanks to an "accelerated procedure".

More home visits to the children's ward to identify families in the family.

The Child Care Act should be strengthened so that more young people can be removed from their harmful environments.

Expansion of the activity of hoppers for better support to people who want to leave the criminal banana.

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