Sofia was stripped of her dog Cleo – now she is asking for tips


Staffordshire Bullterier Cleo slept with three puppies seven weeks old. The next morning, the puppies stayed – but Cleo disappeared.

Sofia Olsén who owns Cleo, lives in a house in Kvänum in the municipality of Vara. But on Thursday, something happened that is the worst nightmare of a guard – someone stole the dog. It's while the Sofia family was sleeping that someone came in at night and stole Cleo.

– I was sloppy and I did not lock myself around, so it was not difficult to come and take her, said Sofia to News24 .

Sofia has more dogs, but it's only Cleo that has been stolen.

– They knew she had targeted her, she said.

Sofia reported the incident to the police, but it did not help her recover her dog. She also shared on Facebook that Cleo has disappeared. His messages have been divided several thousand times and private tips are pouring in all the time – but nothing has led to Cleo.

– We are looking everywhere in Sweden, but we still have no tip, Sofia continues to News24

  The Cleo dog has disappeared "title =" The Cleo dog has disappeared "/> 
<figcaption> Image Source: Private / TT </figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>  Attempted to be sold in Skåne </strong>  </p>
<p>  – I have received various information about someone A person has heard and believes that He was offered to buy a paperless dog in a parking lot, says Sofia for News24 </p>
<p>  The dog should have called Tindra, but was identical to Miss Cleo. </p>
<p><strong>  Cleo has three puppies to the house that does not have his mother </strong> </p>
<p>  Sofia has a lot of people around her who help and look.She is calling for advice and promises the payroll to anyone who can do a decisive tip Cleo's Key </p>
<p>  – I just want to get my dog ​​back, please Sofia </p>
<p>  Cleo is a nice dog and loves everything So, in principle, she may have followed anyone – obviously. </p>
<p>  – It is common for dogs to disappear on their own. But they are stolen are very unusual, "said Presidential spokesman for the police <strong> Hans Lippen </strong> at News24 </p>
<p>  – but probably the case is not so high priority, there is no tip, of course, it continues.] Did you see Cleo or do you know anything about the disappearance?  </p>
<p>  Call the police 11414. </p>
<p>  News24 has already written on the dog that died under the heat waves, you can read about it </p>
<p><strong>  <em>: Therefore, we are good at cats! </em></strong></p>
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