Soldiers receive a salary deduction after completing – Linköping –


It was December 20 last year that a Christmas party was being held for employees of the Third Helicopter Squadron in Ronneby. The connection is under the fleet of helicopters in Malmen.

At the end of the Christmas party, an employee who drank alcohol was sitting behind the wheel in a military van. It would lead to 600 meters from the premises where the party had been held in a building in the military zone where he had planned to sleep. Colleges of the squadron successfully canceled the race

The Staff Council of the Armed Forces decided that the soldier driving the van would receive a disciplinary penalty in the form of payroll deductions for five days . According to the Staff Liability Committee, the official offense is considered "serious". Another soldier who went to the vehicle without stopping his driving colleague was punished with three-day payroll deductions.

It was reported to the police, however, that the case could not be reviewed because it was taking so long after driving.

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