Someone found injured in Råslätt, police suspect murder or attempted fall


It was only around eight in the morning that the police received a call via SOS. A man had called and said that he was injured.

The police went to Havsörnsgatan in Råslätt and found a wounded man. The man was taken to the hospital with an ambulance.

"The man was awake and we could talk to him when he called in. The injury situation is unclear, but he had to be taken to the hospital," said police spokesman Thomas Agnevik.

Police suspect that a crime has been committed and claims that most of the evidence indicates that the injured man was shot and wounded.

However, it is unclear how this happened, but the police do not rule out that the man shot himself in the head.

"The man himself said that he had been a victim of a crime, but we are still unable to determine how the damage was caused, who shot," said Agnevik.

A larger area covering several stairwells was locked at eight o'clock. According to JP journalist Janne Johansson, the locals did not go out and did not climb the stairs in the morning. Even the kindergarten located in the area is covered by the locked zone. The children did not go out either.

"The police have been locked near Råslättsskolan, I see in front of me a blocked area and at least three, four police cars and several policemen in. The techniques are inside right now. is taken to the hospital as I understand it, says JP reporter Janne Johansson at nine in the morning.

Police say on her website that she wants information on the area around Havsörnsgatan.

"It's interesting if you saw someone or people moving in the stairwell during the night and in the morning," wrote the police, stating that the man found had been shot.

Those who would like to know more about the event are invited to call 114 14.

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