Sources: SSU used an Islamist group against left falsification


SSU Skåne and SSU management have both seen Falang's fingers, who are qualified as Islamists during the Evening Post exam.

He indicates sources for Aftonbladet, who claims that the FALSE left in the Federation has been called so that the Nominating Committee does not let the candidate of the Islamic group to run for the Federal Council.

"Instead of settling the conflict in Skåne, he was used as a bat to turn around for the left SSU," said an open source at Aftonbladet.

The SSU Federation has decided that all leaders must sign a contract in which they undertake to share the values ​​of the Social Democrats. At the same time, members have been identified as a person should say that they should resign.

Malmö Social Democrat President Joakim Sandell and SSU President Philip Botström declared that they did not know the information and have now called on the two SSU Skåne members to leave.

"If there is evidence that SSU members have negative views on women's rights, democracy or HGBQ members, they would have left the party," said Philip Botström, of Swedish studio Radio Studio.

1 out of 2 | Photo: ROBIN LORENTZ-ALLARD

Philip Botström, President of SSU.

"Called for help in all directions"

There have been alarms about problems with the Islamic group within the SSU Skåne in the party district and south in Malmö, sources told Evening Post.

Several people now criticize Botström's statement that he did not know the problems. According to the evening post, he attended an annual meeting at which a debate on homosexual men should have the right to leave blood in the same way as heterosexuals found without acting.

However, SSU denies that Botström was in place during the debate.

"At the time of the discussion, Philip had already left the meeting and was at Malmö airport. This is reinforced by the protocol of the meeting and confirmed by the chair of the meeting," writes the press secretary of Botströms , Hanna Alexandersson, in an email to Aftonbladet.

"There have been five years of people who have been superlative and who have been asking for help in all directions.If you, as the most responsible person, have not seen it, you are lying or are an incredibly bad leader, says a source of transparency.

"Practical way to calm down the left quarters"

The criticized group would appoint a member other than leftist candidate Klara Holmberg to the Federal Council. This meant that the good anthem within the union benefited instead of resolving the conflict, sources said.

"In order for the nomination committee to allow the release of Klara Holmberg, the SSU has been asked, among other things, not to submit its own program proposal during the congress and not to carry out activities outside their own district, "said the source.

"Instead of resolving the conflict and settling it, you chose to use it as a bat in internal negotiations and push the left-wing districts to search for a democratic district that works well.

Several people claim that the thread saw through the fingers because the group managed to mobilize many people of foreign origin.

"I thought the leaders of Malmö and the country saw this as a very comfortable way to get rid of a strong left-handed opposition inward and that you would see it between your fingers," said an open source in Aftonbladet.

"Not just a few people"

Among the leaders of the SSU, the people who are supposed to leave the union have now been identified. This is not enough, say the critics.

"In the sense of the line, it looks like it's two people.This is a structure where, in principle, the entire direction of SSU Malmö and Helsingborg should be replaced. can not just remove.

Aftonbladet looked for Philip Botström who did not want to leave any comment. Federal Secretary Andrea Törnestam answered questions by e-mail.

Several people testify that the gays' opinions expressed during the Evening Post exam have been on the SKåne SSU for a long time and that the SSU board knew it.

"This is not fair.The SSU board did not know that there were homophobic views in SSU Skåne." Now that we have received information at On this subject in the Expressen review, we took steps to clarify who had expressed it and had taken a number of measures, and I do not rule out that other actions will be taken. Homophobia is unacceptable and goes against SSU values. "

How is it possible that you, as Federal President (the question asked by Botström, not the Reds), have not been informed of this information and acted to resolve the conflict?

"You have to distinguish two things: the organizational conflict in Skåne that we experienced and that we had a process with the district to try to resolve.First, the information contained in Expressen's review of a number of local representatives and regional who have expressed themselves and committed themselves to violate our values, which was not known before and that is why we now demand their departure. "

Was there a request for the left bag in the SSU to send Klara Holmberg to the Federal Council, instead of NN (the candidate nominated by the Falun candidate, red note), which was also relevant for the nomination? ?

"The proposal of the nominating committee for a federal government was unanimously and democratically elected by the Congress, and negotiations are under way before and during the political congresses. both by case law and by personal elections, as is usually done before all parties and youth federations. "

Turbulence in the SSU Skåne

After the elections, you will continue 0:35

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