Splittrat L makes a new attempt to agree


The social democratsThe head of government, Stefan Löfven, has until Monday morning to report to the president if he sees any preconditions for the formation of a government. One of them should be based on a form of cooperation with The Center Party and liberals.

Both parties are now waiting for each other not to be the first to risk demolishing the Alliance. No major disagreements within the center party have been revealed. The door to the release of an M-KD government dependent SD still seems closed.

According to the second vice-president of the party, MEP Fredrik Federley (C), there is "not on the map".

Liberals, on the other hand, are much more fragmented, up to the leadership of the party. According to SVT, the party leader, Jan Björklund, and the spokesman of the party's economic policy, Mats Persson, from one side. The latter wants to close the door to cooperation in S. On the same page, the legal spokesman Johan Pehrson, the spokesperson of the defense policy Alan Widman and the women's association Gulan Avcic.

Mats Persson hails from Skåne, where the county federation made a statement last week about to close the door on S. However, the district is divided. For the minority, the leader of the group in parliament, Christer Nylander.

Both Stockholm County and the Uppsala County Federation have indicated that the door to sustainable development is closed. Other county federations are expected to take a stand this week, but it is said that in many places public positions are expected.

"The Swedish Association of Westerners does not intend to take position on hypothetical proposals in the debate, but only when there is something concrete to consider. My personal opinion also that the question would be that fewer people and groups make statements that quickly end the discussions, "says West Sweden president Jonas Andersson, also a party board member" at TT.

Mandatory is sufficient because the center party, which also has a group meeting today, is paving the way for cooperation between the two peoples, but neither Annie Lööf nor Jan Björklund want to be accused of just cracking the ball. ;Alliance.

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