Sponsorbråk flourishes – Fis reacts to breaches of the Norwegian and Swedish rule: "It's manipulation" | athletic


The Norwegian national team has fired the logos of the sponsors on the jackets of the International Ski Federation. This is considered a violation of the law and may result in sanctions.

Before the weekend of the World Cup in Lillehammer, a conflict had erupted between the Norwegian national team and the International Ski Federation Fis. This is because the national team and the union have competing sponsors from various food retail chains.

During today's training session, the Norwegian runners had given Fis vests, but they had attached themselves to the logo of the union sponsor who was at the front of the West.

This affects the feelings in Lillehammer.

– If you change an accreditation, it's like changing your passport. I see this as a manipulation. If everyone does what he wants, it will be harder to control. If you want to be in the stadium during the official training period, you need to have an official accreditation, "says federal marketing director, Jürg Capol, according to the NRK.

Unclear advertising rules

In the Norwegian national team, it is said that the rules are not clear. There are discussions on how to consider different advertising rights and the use of the West is a point that is unanimous. Norway wants to see vests without sponsors this season.

The key question is whether it is Fis or the local organizer (in this case Norway) who holds the rights to the advertising site in the West.

"It's not clear and so we think the West should be neutral and not having sponsors this season, after the season Fis will be able to handle the problem and we can do it next year," says Terje Lund, Norwegian Ski Federation.

Even the Swedish and German national teams have done the same during the training of today. According to the Swedish Ski Federation, Fis sold an advertising space for which it has no rights.

– This is a selection. We follow the regulations regarding their competitions and they should also consider this and not accept a right, "said marketing director Johan Sares, according to Aftonbladet.

"You do not tap on"

The sponsor of the International Ski Federation expects the national team to be punished.

"The most important thing is that you can control the runners with the West, but you do not use Western advertising.This grass for someone paid for these West and supports all the world cup ", says Michael Lamplot, Press Manager at Fis in Yle Urheilu.

NRK writes that Fis threatens to punish the punishment if it had been tampered with today. Even more critical will be if you do it during the warm-up before the weekend race. The penalty may be a fine for the national team.

– I'm a little bit surprised. We had a dialogue and talked about the fact that we can not find a solution. This is not a surprise for Fis, says Lund.

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