SSU calls and takes Skåne District to the ear – News


We urged them to immediately submit their duties to the SSU and the Social Democrats, "Botström told TT.

According to media reports, a Falang characterized by radical Islamism, homophobia, anti-Semitism and women's pressure reportedly took control of local federations in SSU Skåne, who was the first to report .

A former high representative represents a mosque that made homophobic statements. He denies the existence of any lie and claims that his statements have been removed from his context.

This man no longer has assignment in the SSU and he is not affected by the new federal government decision.

But the report also talked a lot about two other people who made a lot of controversial statements. Botström says that they recognize and say that they regret, but now they are asked to leave the SSU.


According to Dagens Nyheter, the Federal Council made several decisions at an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday.

The first is that all SSU members across the country who have or want to have greater trust responsibilities starting on Monday must sign the so-called candidate's guarantee.

You agree not only to follow, but also to act and respect the values ​​on which SSU is founded and on which it wants and that you will leave if you do not respect it or if you lack confidence in yourself, says Botström.

The SSU Membership Committee should also consider whether more people should be excluded.

Finish the financing

The SSU District Council Skane, in the grip of a protracted conflict, will also submit a plan to the Federal Council within three weeks. Steps must be taken to ensure that all members feel respected in the future, so that people of dubious values ​​are not in a leading position and "greatly weakened" confidence is recreated, says Botström, "enough angry".

If they do not do so within three weeks, the SSU will completely withdraw its funding from the SSU district, which is a considerable amount.

Botström says that information on two of the three identified people was only brought to his attention on Friday, and that he has learned more since.

But a former member of a local association in Skåne told Kvällsposten that Botström attended an annual meeting during which the hawk expressed homophobic views.

I remember that my companions looked at him and thought, "Why does not he intervene?"

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