Stand out is not what everyone is better at


You know how it is. Raddan av detärsåsyndommannenPeople are invading TV shows, newspapers and social media with their conspiracy theories. Listen and be surprised.

Women, minorities and politically correct is clearly included in a non-Christian conspiracy in order to destroy the world, as a reactionary, knowing that the man sees it.

That's when you want to sit down and protest against a wallet, perhaps with the message that someone wrote on Twitter: "Stop lipa", and then think about how long it will take. you have before, goes beyond the theory that Space bombs really control our world.

One of these days, I read the horoscope in a newspaper. Do not ask. I have no idea. In any case, there was love is a spicy vitaminand that I will be surprised to receive unexpected evidence of his presence.

Love is a spicy vitamin. Never before have I come across this description, and I still felt like a person who was paid in his youth to find out what would be in the newspaper's horoscope.

Love is undoubtedly the most confusing essence of life. Love is the cause and meaning of everything. No suffering, no matter the Bible and celebrity Youtube, Jordan B. Peterson. Love, work, play, have sources of positive experiences, if you ask me.

You know what they say, no one was born to hate. We learn this along the way. It's when we love how we live.

In order to maintain and save the love for a lifetime, you must be patient, dare to compromise and have a little luck. So, just like when you find it.

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When children were small, the importance of independence was one of the most significant discoveries we made, in addition to the importance of sharing all the responsibilities. A free, scheduled evening of the week – in the company of someone other than your partner – has worked wonders. Biological research, a concert, a quiet beer with friends was enough for a very young parent.

When children grow up and find their lives, the big challenge is to get together, to take advantage of new freedom and to grow together. Some resign, others get up. Cynical comments, retaliatory conversations, and sad routines must be watched. In reality, you do not have to go to bed every day.

What to do often: kiss your partner unexpectedly in the back, laugh together, writes Lars Lindström.

Photo: colourbox

What to do often: kiss your partner unexpectedly in the neck, say passionate words that are important to you, buy flowers, kiss emoji, laugh together and always let the present shine with their presence

I finally find myself with a collection of women, young and old, at a concert with Courtney Barnett at Kägelbanan in Stockholm.

She sings that you will choose what is broken in your heart and throw it on a canvas or let it form letters and words on blank paper. You still can not take it with you.

The stored love, be able to maintain a relationship for a long time, is wonderful. But no conservative moralist who says that abortion is bad and that divorces in children's families should be banned can not convince me. at stand out This is not always what everyone has better.

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