Station stop between Helsingborg and Ängelholm


According to Linda Korsvall, Head of Communication at Trafikverket

Skånetrafiken announces on its website that traffic should return to normal on Saturday morning. However, SJ trains continue to go, but via Hässleholm.

– Yes, because trains can not travel between Helsingborg and Ängelholm, says Joakim Borgudd, head of press communications at Skånetrafiken.

Limited Replacement Traffic – Missing Buses

] How long should travelers expect to know Skånetrafiken.

– You can not say exactly. You have to take the bus between Helsingborg and
Ängelholm, says Joakim Borgudd.

Its passengers will be able to take over spare buses to a limited extent on the Helsingborg – Ängelborg, Helsingborg – Båstad and Helsingborg – Förslöv sections.

The trains are being replaced to some extent because there are no buses and drivers.
You can not have enough bus to replace everyone
train. Bus drivers have problems. We work everything we can to
Joakim Borgudd says: "A crowded train is about twenty buses, according to Skånetrafiken.

– We scrapped nine buses that drive this stretch. More buses are booked but it's holiday time and on Fridays, when many are traveling, then as a traveler it will take a long time to wait, "says Joakim Borgudd. [ad_2]
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