Stay at the church, dear Peterson!


  Peaceful feelings and stay in the church of Sweden, the appeal of Bengt Olof Dikes to Göran Peterson

Photo: Per-Erik Sandeback

Calm the feelings and stay in the Church of Sweden, Bengt Olof Dikes' call

Bengt Olof Dike meets Göran Peterson's contributor "Where to go?" (SMP 10/7).

Where should I go? asks a very disturbed Göran Peterson in Hovmantorp in SMP 10/7 He formally excels in strong emotions against other bishops in the Swedish church who claim to be cruel in the cross, the doctrine and perhaps even more who belong to the church. Then an attack is launched against the mute rock of Visby, Mats Hermansson, who threw the church bells into the cathedral when an unknown opinion maker organized a meeting outside the church. Church during Almedal week.

Hermansson is excused. His drastic action has been canceled, he recognizes.

Hopefully Peterson's feelings on what he sees as other undesirable events in the Church of Sweden have exceeded. It is certainly true that the representatives of the left have already tried to control the message in a certain direction. But now they are thinning in this respect. But, despite decades of activity in the Church of Sweden, the bishops, who return the cross, have never heard of it. Keep in mind that the Church of Sweden has a "foundation" called the Order of the Church (KO) and, of course, Christian teaching is central – what every bishop and other members of the church's decision-making structure must follow. Have you ever heard at the service visit that the priest neglects this doctrine, that is, the word of God? Have you ever agreed that Father Vår was not taken in unison or that the blessing after the ministry was neglected?

Stop for a moment, calm your feelings and stay in the church of Sweden!

You must have been there. The Lord of the Church and the Church do not give up, I can assure you

Bengt Olof Dike

Former Member of Church Committee for Seventeen Years (1989-2005), Now Commissioned by the Assembly

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