Steal the war in Syria – now they live on the street in Solna


Two years ago, Joseph was granted permanent resident status in Sweden after leaving a war-torn Syria. He then received an alleged social contract in a small apartment in Solna.

On Wednesday, the contract was signed and the next day, Joseph had to move.

– You just threw my stuff in the street. The first night, I was able to sleep with a friend in his small modular house. But I can not bother him anymore. There are too many people, says Joseph at We in Solna magazine, who was the first to report on the incident.

Want to help

Now, Joseph lives in a tent that he has, along with several other people in the same situation, placed in a forest hill near the old residence.

"There are new people all the time, I tried to look for a house, but it's difficult," Josef said.

Joseph and Ahmad are forced to live in tents after being evicted from modular homes.

A group of refugees who have their own home in Sweden went together to try to help Josef and the other tents. They work primarily to find a bed and a warm roof over the heads of children living in tents.

– People would never let their pets live on the streets. It would be animal negligence! How can you let people sleep outside when it's very cold at night? Said Mekhlef Alhussain, himself came to Sweden as a refugee and is here to help.

Have three hours on

On Saturday morning, the police were informed that she was not allowed to stay on the spot.

"What has happened is that a police escalator came to relieve people on the spot because it is forbidden to camp in the municipality of Solna," said Anna Westberg at the Stockholm Police .

Where about twenty people now live in tents to sleep, they do not know each other.

"I do not know where to go, we survived the war, we survived the refugees and now we have to survive in the street," said Joseph.

According to the police, there is still no information on what will happen to Josef and his friends.

"The police will give information to people," said Anna Westberg.

Only need to provide housing for two years

Since 2016, Solna has welcomed 790 newly arrived refugees.

Many of them have the opportunity to find their own home, but many have been placed in so-called modular homes, which are transit dwellings. This is the municipality Signalisten, commissioned by the city of Solna to manage the housing situation in New Zealand.

– They will visit the signalist's representatives on Saturday and will still receive help looking for a new home. Something we have recently helped them, says Rasmus Sandsten, Solna City press officer, DN.

Expressen tried to reach Rasmus Sandsten.

Last spring, the Stockholm Administrative Court ruled that a municipality had the right to terminate a lease for newcomers. Several municipalities have now chosen to interpret this decision as having to offer them a new lease for a period of two years.

At the end of the contract, the municipality abandons its responsibilities and the person who lives in an apartment must move to accommodate other newcomers.

This week, the County Administrative Board decided that Solna would receive 126 of the 2,959 newcomers Migrationsverket assigned to Stockholm County.

Winter is approaching

On Thursday, Ahmad Wani, 26, was also taken from his home.

"I tried to look for an apartment, but the municipality did not give any guidance on how to proceed.The only thing they said, it's I'm going to watch Blocket, "said Ahmad.

"In winter, I do not think I'm going up, I think I'm going to die," said Ahmad Wani, 26, who was expelled from his home on Thursday.

Ahmad is currently working for a construction company but is worried for the future.

"If I get up tomorrow, it goes without saying that I go to work even though I live in a tent.In winter, I do not think I'm going up.I think I'm going to die," Ahmad said.

Social contracts

Social contracts are about letting go of those who, for whatever reason, have been excluded from the mainstream housing market. The tenant receives a second-hand contract in which the social services of a municipality enter as a first-hand tenant, and then rent the apartment second-hand.

Social contracts are used, inter alia, as gyms for drug addicts or people with mental disorders, but indebted families with children and newly arrived refugees may be eligible for a social contract.

source: Municipalities and Swedish County Councils, SKL

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