Stefan Borg (SD) does not communicate with the President of Hörby City Council


It was earlier in October of this year that the moderators of Hörby concluded a cooperation with the local pension party, the SPI, and the Swedish Democrats – which became the largest party of the municipality at 35.4% .

As a result, Stefan Borg, a Swedish democrat, appeared to chair the city council. It was the first time that a Swedish Democrat was appointed to such a position.

But now, Stefan Borg has announced that he no longer fits the post.

"The medial attention to my person has prevented the party in Hörby from focusing on what is important," he wrote in a press release, adding:

"I am confident that we have a competent and motivated replacement, with better opportunities to continue the policy in Hörby on the basis of our program."

It will be Cecilia Bladh in Zito (SD), deputy head of the group for the General Assembly and a member of the city council, replacing Borg.

"It's incredibly exciting, it will be very fun," she says about the new assignment.

What do you think of Stefan Borg?

"I understand his argument, you have to accept it.

Do you think that he did well?

"It's hard to say, I can not answer it.

He says the media have treated him badly, are you okay?

"I can not answer that, he is responsible for it.

Shortly after the announcement of cooperation with the moderates and SPI, a number of statements by Stefan Borg were noted, including offensive remarks about homosexuals related to Pride.

After the municipality of Hörby raised Prideflaggor to celebrate the Pride Festival in Malmö, he wrote a satirical commentary on his Facebook page:

"Everything for everyone, no limit here, at Hörby, everything should be included, everyone will feel pride, necrophiles, pedophiles, coprophages, tidalists – you name it!"

When DN called him he interrupted the call shortly after being questioned about Pride's statements.

Subsequently, the party's Hbtq federation, Open Moderates, strongly criticized Hörby's home countries.

"Of course, I expect the party leaders to talk seriously with Hörbymoderaterna, it is not appropriate.You do not have to give power to this party, there are other possibilities "said Fredrik Saweståhl, chairman of the Open Moderate.

The party leadership also made it clear that she was not supported by Hörbymoderaterna's decision to cooperate with SD.

Expo on the anti-racial foundation published the following day a review of what Stefan Borg had said about social media.

Among other things, he has repeatedly used the term "population exchange", a term that, according to the Expo, is drawn from the white power environment.

"Argumentation" Our children judge the last generation living in a Swedish-majority country "based on a non-nationalist definition of Swedish identity.The point of view differs from cultural nationalism and" open Sweden "on which officially rests the ideology of DD, writes Expo in its passage.

DN is looking for Stefan Borg

Read more: Niklas Orrenius: I know an SD community playing brown sauce

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