Stefan Löfven: Social workers should be able to speak Swedish


Gallo. All welfare workers should be able to speak Swedish

Social Democrats are stuck – promising cooperation with social partners for Swedish education

– It is important that patients, the users and the employees understand each other. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven organized his first press meeting during the Sverigesesan in Gällö, outside of Östersund. With sparkling water and a sawmill as a fund, he told us that the social democrats now want to see more action so that everyone can work.

1 of 4 | Photo: STEFAN MATTSSON

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Among the proposals are to further increase the proportion of municipal adult education to the British population.

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You Usually Say There are 100,000 Jobs in Canada unemployment that no one can take, today you say 120 000, why the new figure?

– It is growing. We have a good economic cycle and have invested so much that we need more people. The solution is not to lower wages, as some suggest. It is an employer who says that we can hire here and now, but that we do not find employees with the right skills and that the solution is education, "says Löfven

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Stefan Löfven states that it is important for staff and patients in a care situation to understand each other.

– This is a very natural measure that is important. And I've heard of those who work, for example, in additional services in their careers, that they want to learn more Swedish.

Concretely, Stefan Löfven thinks that it is the social partners, including municipalities, regions and trade unions. how will it be done? However, he believes that, for example, subsidized extraservices may be used more than today to succeed, among other things, to give staff time for education.

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Five things you did not know about Löfven 00:45

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