Storbråk in Gothenburg – a wounded


An 18-year-old man was found with a head injury after a throat in central Gothenburg Tuesday night.

– It was not audible and worsened immediate transportation to hospitals, "said police officer Joakim Hansson.

At 9:25 pm, police were alerted of a noise According to the police note, there was information on the use of pendants and iron pipes.

When the police arrived, the tape was broken

– But a A little further, we found a man with a wounded head

The injured man could not be questioned at first and his condition deteriorated after the arrival of the police.

He was taken by ambulance to the Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

There, he was later interrogated by "He told him that he had been beaten to the head with a joke," says Lennart Järnbrand , investigator investigator at the Greater Gothenburg Police Department [19659109] No one was arrested.

So many abuse cases reported each year in Sweden 00:46

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