Strengthens the rules for alcohol – but the exception remains – Norrköping News


"We are changing the rules of representation, we have a wording interpreted differently," said Lars Stjernkvist, S.P.

The press conference took place after several media reported that Reidar Svedahl, L, Magnus Nilsson, former CEO of Upplev Norrköping and employee, had purchased alcohol for tax purposes, including on a trip. in Amsterdam.

"It was stupid"

Reidar Svedahl himself spoke about the incident and wrote that it was stupid but not illegal. Now the rules will be clarified.
"There is no alcohol in the business, but nobody has to worry about what matters, but now we want to minimize the risk of trampling," says Stjernkvist.

What is the change?
"As a general rule, this has already been the case, it means in practice that it will not happen, but there was a margin of interpretation, we now say that the internal representation should be without alcohol.

I drowned

An exception will however be made: it is alcohol related to the festival of St Olof, intended for those who work in the municipality for 25 years.

Have you ever used alcohol for tax purposes?
"Yes, I'm at the St Olof party, but I did not drink alcohol at the taxpayers' expense.

In addition to the feast St Olof?
"Yes," says Lars Stjernkvist.

It's happened:

Reidar's poodle about visit: Urbota stupid – but not illegal

Kommuntoppar på krogen – Norrköpingsborna paid

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