Strong criticism of the increase in fees of Lidingo politicians


The proposals will be examined by the city council in December, as Lidingösidan was the first to say.

The chairman of the municipal council, Daniel Källenfors (M), proposes to collect 80% of the governmental fee, ie 108,800 SEK per month. Today, there are 88,400 employees. Birgitta Sköld (LP), Carl-Johan Schiller (KD) and the future municipal council Amelie Tarschys Ingre (L) can be increased from 66,300 to 81,600. 60% of the government fee.

"In order to attract the right skills and achieve the goals that the new majority has set for better governance, more transparency and higher demands on the organization. We want to show that we value the time that politicians spend in their missions, whether they belong to full-time municipal councils, leisure politicians, the majority or the politicians. opposition, "writes Birgitta Sköld in an email.

"Takes a lot of time and effort"

"Being committed politicians takes a lot of time and effort, work schedules are erratic and many are exposed to both threats and harassment.In comparison to other municipalities in Stockholm County, Lidingö is weak in the county. As for the political costs of taxes, party support and administrative expenses, at the same time, it can be noted that the salaries of the municipal council have been reduced in the last term, "says Birgitta Sköld.

The Opposition Council is proposing to receive 60% of the city council fees, ie 48,960 SEK, an increase of nearly 5,000 SEK.

According to the proposal, the president of the president, if it is not at the same time, is a council of municipalities, will receive considerably increased fees.

The proposal comes from the working committee where the management is located.

It is the working committee of the city council that proposes the increase of the inheritance, and not the compensation committee of the city of Lidingö. The members of the working committee are Daniel Källenfors, Birgitta Sköld, Carl-Johan Schiller, Amélie Tarschys Ingre and a member of the Party of the Environment. This means that the city council proposes its own salaries to the city council to make the decision.

"Contact the lawyer of the city of Lidingo, Johan Alfredsson, for us to ask the question of manipulation," writes Amelie Tarschys Ingre in a text in response to the way she considers it.

In a protocol of November 21st, the working committee declares:

"The new majority sees the need to improve and clarify the economic conditions of elected representatives.As the majority vote at the general assembly changed after the elections, the issue is prepared by the working committee. instead of the remuneration established during the last term. "

Critics of the Opposition and the Taxpayers' Association

The left-wing party, the Social Democrats, the party of the environment and the party of the center oppose the sharp rise.

"It is unworthy that the city council raises its own salaries by nearly 22,000 crowns a month," said opposition politician Patrik Buddgård (C) in a press release.

On his Facebook page, a representative of the Taxpayer Association writes:

"In Lidingö, the Alliance board will soon benefit from a substantial increase in their salary – a nice little Christmas present at the expense of the taxpayers of the municipality! […] President of the municipal council Daniel Källenfors (M) will receive a monthly fee of 108,800 SEK. Equal pay equal to the equivalent of 20 times the city of Stockholm.

Carl-Johan Schiller refers to an article of debate on the Lidingö camp, where Daniel Källenfors says that the inheritance was weak compared to other county municipalities and that it was necessary to to develop in order to attract the required skills in the long term and reduce the gap between senior officials and senior political representatives.

Metro tried to reach Daniel Källenfors.

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