Strong increase of SOS alarms during the summer | Gothenburg after


The number of calls received by SOS Alarm is considerably higher than last summer. In West Götaland, the number of fire alarms has doubled since last year. Alarms about heat-related health problems quadrupled in the country and the number of SOS calls for bites of goats and snakes doubled between 1 June and 25 July.

– What we see, especially is that with the rising temperatures, we see that older people feel bad in the heat, we see that it increases in the event of ## 147 ## 39, fire on the ground, increased consumption of alcohol with the good weather and Per Einerfors, president of the presidency of SOS Alarm

The alarm center was heavily solicited during the summer and several staff members have already come to work, worked and interrupted their holidays. to keep the response time of those who call.

On July 21, SOS Alarm had its strongest appeal until now in the summer. Then 13,200 calls were received, which corresponds to Per Einerfors corresponds to New Year's Eve.

– It is very unusual that we reach these numbers during holiday periods, "says Per Einerfors

Call 112 in emergency situations

SOS Alarm has already called the public to call the emergency number 112 to 113 13 where you can get information on, for example, current fires.

– We are concerned about not charging 112. 112 in emergency situations, for example, to save lives, property or the environment, "says Per Einerfors.

The general advice he gives the public is to drink a lot, adjust activities and activities according to weather conditions and not to exert too much heat.

Three things to consider if you call 112 urgently:

1st Where are We?

SOS Alarm has no legitimate way to see your exact location when you're calling from a mobile phone. This means that you must know where you are, so you can quickly transfer it to the SOS operator. Enter the address if you are going to a new location or download an application where you can easily find the contact information of your smartphone.

2. Stay put, find out what really happened.

SOS Alarm needs, for example, to know what has happened, how many people are injured or what is the magnitude of the fire to send the appropriate help. If you continue to move without being able to answer, SOS Alarm will have a hard time evaluating the situation and sizing the action.

3. Answer Operator's Questions

When you call 112, SOS Alarm's eyes are on the spot. The operator asks many questions in order to convey as much information as possible to the ambulance or rescue services that are en route. This allows them to prepare and work more effectively on the site. The SOS operator alerts help while continuing to ask questions, so he does not delay.

Source: SOS Alarm

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