Strong punishment for murder in Umeå – get a life



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This does not mean that we are formally bound by a set of strict rules. On the contrary, the rules of the press should form the basis of a "responsible attitude towards the publicist task", as it is written

. Norran's public mission is to inform, report and critically review. It's by nature that part of what we are told will not be appreciated by all. Some may even find that they suffer from a publication

If you find that you have suffered an undue injury, please contact our news department at 0910-578 00 or editors @ norran .se. [19659003] If you want a press review of a publication that Norran made, you can also make a notification of PO

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This usually means that you are named or otherwise designated in the publication.
The publication should not be more than three months, except There are no special reasons.

The easiest way to register is to consult the online form of the ombudsman of the public press. You can also write to [email protected] or write to PO Box 223 10, 104 22 Stockholm.

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