Student knife cut at kranskommun school in Gothenburg


Police were alerted at school at 10:56.

– A teacher bothered us. Once upon a time the student suspected of cutting the knife, he was left behind and everything went well, "said Peter Adlersson, police of the Western Region.

The background is that two students of unknown reason have hurry up.

READ MORE: The student was attacked by two men with a knife

"Then one of the students should have lifted a knife and cut the other in the arm," says Adlersson, police spokesman for the presidency in the western region.

"The knife student is 16 and the married student is 15," he continues.

Student's handle

The pupil cut with a knife is not seriously injured.

"The nurse first looked at him and was taken to a health center where he was sewn, but he should not have been hurt.

The student who committed the knife attack is therefore the grip.

– A notice of abuse or serious abuse will be written.

Two patrols at school

The arrested young man, aged 15, will be questioned as soon as possible.

"Then, someone from the social service and, preferably, the tutor, will be involved because it's a minor," Peter Adlersson explains.

After the hearing, prosecutors will decide on the continuation of the case.

The police are at school at 12:40.

"We're here with two patrols, partly to hear people, there should be witnesses to the noise, but also to enhance security," said Peter Adlersson.

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