Study: Extreme weather causes death and disease


The reports "The Lancet
Countdown on health and climate change "shows that the extreme heat of growing common will lead to more deaths, increased morbidity and more and more health care.

"In Europe and the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, more than 40% of people over 65 are exposed to heat," she wrote.
Eight environmental experts report at DN Debatt.

In Sweden, high outdoor temperatures produce significantly higher indoor temperatures, which contribute to death and increase the risk of stroke and heart attack, for example, write environmental experts.

They also emphasize this heat aggravates the air pollution in the cities.

"Air pollution from fossil fuels in cities kills nearly three million people worldwide every year, including 500,000 in Europe, according to Lancet Countdown." The resolution of the greenhouse problem will generate both cleaner air gain and better public health. "

Debate: "Deaths and diseases when the extreme climate becomes more common"

The World Health Organization is behind the report published Thursday in the British medical journal Lancet. The idea is to submit an annual report containing facts on the effects of climate change on health.

Another negative effect reported in the report is that climate change is affecting the spread of infectious diseases – such as severe dengue, an infectious disease transmitted by subtropical mosquitoes.

If climate change continues According to environmental experts, it is expected that dengue fever will be fully established in southern Europe in 50 years.

"Something that should happen in our lives, our children and our grandchildren." According to Lancet Countdown, the ability of denguemembers to spread the virus has increased by ten percent since the 1950s, with 2016 as a peak year . "

According to environmental researchers, it is interesting to know that climate change is affecting the economy.

"In 2017, 712 climate-related extreme weather events resulted in financial losses totaling $ 326 billion during the year, almost triple what they were compared to total losses in the year. 39, previous year. "

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