Suspicious chemical attack after burglary interrupted


A burglary was disrupted at an address in Malmö on Thursday afternoon.

– There was some kind of robbery attempt. But it is disturbed by the people of the property, says Filip Annas.

According to the Evening Post, the person who rejected the burglary received some form of liquid thrown at her and then felt an unpleasant odor. Therefore, emergency services are called to the site and arrive there with a car protection against chemicals.

– Something had to be thrown on someone and someone should have difficulty breathing. Whoever has what has been thrown, I can not comment, says Filip Annas.

The rescue service found no dangerous liquid.

Photo: Mikael Nilsson

No one is arrested

Once upon a time, the emergency service found no liquid or odor.

"The rescue services have now left the site," said Filip Annas at 2 pm

Nobody is arrested, suspected of burglary. Police remained at the scene of the investigation.

– They talk to people in the property. We will investigate what happened before we can impose a crime violation, "said Filip Annas.

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