Suspicious highway pirates lured into civilian police | Gothenburg after


It was near Dalskog which is outside Mellerud, Per-Erik Vister recently saw a minibus with covered windows on the left side of the road. A man stood on the track with the face of the coming traffic.

– I felt that it was not correct. I thought either he needed help and then he would get it, otherwise he's a fool, says Per-Erik who chose to stay on the side of the road, with the help of the other. police badge hitherto hidden in his hand. Police Tray "

After weaving the box and asking if the man was having trouble with something, it started going against Per-Erik's car.

– Then, another guy from Nowhere appeared behind my car.Then I threw the police tray and asked if anything had happened.They responded quickly: "No, no, it's quiet, we have a problem with the car, but the father is on the road with gas. "

Per-Erik Vister, who was anxious, drove his colleagues to the incident.

– Why should he be at middle of waiting for help he asks.

According to police chief Christer Fuxborg, he has been quieter in the area with the pirates of the road recently.

– The trend that we are seeing now is that they are gone for the moment.They are traveling and it is very possible that they are in another area now, says i 1.

Tip: Do not Stay

His strongest advice to people invaded by people on the roadside is not to stay. [19659002] – If it was a person who needs help, learn this help. It is best to call the police and notify where the person is. It is better that our colleagues go there because they have the habit of dealing with this kind of person.

The tactics of road piracy is to signal to motorists to offer things or even to steal something.

Police Tips

Do not stop the car if you are not sure, please call 114 14.

Keep in mind the safety of main traffic lanes and departures and departures: the risk of accident increases when you stay. and be subject to crime, you should always call 112.

Source: Police Authority

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