Suspicious objects in Lidingö were harmless – notification of illegal threats


Friday at 11:38, police are informed of the discovery of an allegedly dangerous object in Lidingö. A major police initiative has been launched, including with the National Police Bomb Protection Group.

"There are a lot of cops on the spot right now to find out what kind of article it is and how to handle it," said Mats Eriksson.

– The police are also helped by the rescue service.

Accommodation in it The existing homes have been evacuated and parts of the immediate area have been blocked.

Friday afternoon, around half past five, the object was declared harmless.

"We have lifted the closures to Norra Kungälv, but obstructions linger around where the article was found while technicians continue to work on the site," said Åsa Walentin, spokesperson from the police to the presidency.

What it is for the type of objects found did not want the police to say it. However, a preamble of illegal threats has begun.

Why then?

– There is someone who has placed this object and we want to know more about it. At present, an illegal pre-trial threat has begun, but the ranking could change, says Åsa Walentin.

It is too early to say who the threat is for, says the presidential spokesman of the police.

Do you have suspicions?

– Not for the moment, no.

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