Sweden in trouble after Dante – A quiet minute took place in several places in the country


It's been almost a day since the police called a press conference about missing Dante's 12-year-old research.

This as the district chief of the local police Christer Bartholdsson and then told us where we absolutely did not want to hear – the police had found a dead body in the search board at Falkenberg, which was most likely Dante, 12 years old.

– Today, we found a deceased person at 3:40 pm. The deceased is not fully identified, but relatives have been informed that Dante, most likely, said Bartholdsson at the press conference.

Hundreds of people in Stortorget

The boy's search continued for three days and several thousand people contributed in different ways.

The tragic message announced by police Friday night about the deceased boy was a shock to many and no one was left unmarried.

Friday night, hundreds of people gathered at Stortorget, Falkenberg, to remember Dante. The square dissolves with many burning candles, flowers and a teddy bear. On Saturday morning, the light came on and pain reigned throughout Falkenberg.

Stortorget in Falkenberg. Source of the image: Jonas Dagsson / TT.

The Falkenberg church was open to the public on Friday night and an evening prayer was held, attended by many residents of the city, said Expressen.

Calm minute before the football game

Despite the fact that it has been good for the IF Falkenbergs football club this year, the mood has been pushing for the match today. Instead of celebrating their next Allsvenskan football league next year, they paid tribute to Dante, 12 years old.

Just before the club started its match, a silent minute was organized to pay homage to Dante. In the Falcon Arena Alcohol Free Arena, there were big "flags", where there was "LOVE DANTE" and "DANTE", with a heartbeat.

Falkenberg IF started his match with a minute of silence. Image Source: Thomas Johansson / TT

"There is a rural care"

Saturday afternoon, the evening post was published by Kronenikör Björn Ranelid a chronicle of sorrow after Dante, 12 years old.

"Alertness and sadness are silent in the streets and squares.There is a rural home in Sweden and it is not a king or a queen who died.The one who is killed is a little boy called Dante who walk with a dog all our life. " , is just a small part of his column while he wrote about Sweden's sorrow for Dante.

Quiet minute in the countryside on Saturday night

On Saturday night, Dante held a quiet minute in several parts of the country. The Facebook group "Dante 12 years – Minnessida" wrote an article on Facebook Saturday where he announced silent minutes.

"Saturday 10/11 At 8:00 pm, we will spend a quiet moment in the whole country for Dante, together we can accept and support the family and honor Dante's memory."

Kyle Wilkins the Facebook group started just after he had, like so many others, the tragic news that Dante had been found dead.

"I created the group because it was necessary to set up a forum where we could help each other and support the family in this area.A forum where you can gather your ideas in one place and where the family can seek comfort, he says Nyheter24.

The group currently has 4,100 members. Already yesterday, Kyle announced a silent minute that would take place at 8 pm Friday night.

"It's not as much as he saw it in time and started sharing the Facebook post after eight hours, so I announced another silent minute on Saturday night at the same time. The message was broadcast 9000 times, he told News24.

Several hundred people shared pictures of the group during the evening, showing burning candles from their homes and public places where they met.

Even Halland's traffic buses were motionless throughout Halland on Saturday night during the silent tribute to Dante.

Source of the picture: Hallandstrafiken / facebook

Nyheter24 has already written about Dante as a person. You can read more about it!

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