Sweden ranks fourth in the EU taxable market


Sweden remains in fourth place in the European league on the tax burden of the Member States. Stock Photographypicture: Kenny Bengtsson SvD / TT

According to Eurostat 's statistics agency, Sweden has retained its fourth place in the EU' s taxable 2017 edition, at the same rank as the year before.

France (48.4%), followed by Belgium and Denmark (47.3% and 46.5%), is the EU country where the tax rate of GDP is highest. high.

In Sweden, the figure, including taxes and social security contributions, stood at 44.9% of GDP last year, according to a recent Eurostat summary. This represented an increase of 44.8% in 2016.

The lowest tax rate as a percentage of GDP among the 28 EU Member States had Ireland at 23.5%.

The EU average rose 40.9% last year to 40.2%, while the euro area average reached 41.4%, compared with 41.2% a year ago .

In the economic engine of the EU, Germany, the tax accounts for 40.5% of GDP. The tax as a percentage of GDP in neighboring Norway rose to 38.9% last year.

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