Sweden then saw giant recipes ruben


Dan Norberg of Hynboholm near Karlstad was Friday the first day in Sweden to observe a rubnachtgal in the country.

"It's big, really big," said Dan, a birding enthusiast for over 50 years.

Here, the unusual bird photographed by his dance colleague, Thomas Carlsson.

It was when Dan made a trip to the interior of his workplace, Stora Enso in Skoghall, when he saw the unusual bird.

"I saw a little brown bird sitting on the ground in front of a birch, and when it came back, I clearly saw the red chest with white drawings." And when you're on, also long time I know directly that it's a rubnacht gal.

The rubnaunt storm is about 14-15 cm high and has a gray-brown top and a dirty bottom.

In Finland

Male birds have a ruby ​​red throat while both sexes have white eyebrows and mustache chains. The species usually breeds in abundance with a rich undergrowth in an area extending from the Ural to the east of the Pacific Ocean.

– It was observed in Finland earlier but never in Sweden.

Dan Norberg was the first to see a rubnachtgal in Sweden.

As soon as Dan became aware of what he had seen, he signaled the sighting by means of the alarm system used by all ornithologists. It was not so long before a large number of like-minded people were in place to get a glimpse of this unusual bird.

The groups were released

The problem was simply that the bird had been seen inside a workplace to which the public usually did not have access.

A rubnacht gal was screened for the first time in Sweden. However, the bird in the photo was photographed in China by Magnus Hellström, head of the Ottenby Bird Station.

"But Stora Enso did very well and arranged for groups of 10 to 15 people to come in. It was very, very funny, I have to say, and I think everyone except one had to see the bird too.

What would then have been able to bring the Eastern guest to Värmland?

"What is generally about the winds is very blown." It blew a lot but not recently, but it's probably the winds that brought it in. Some time ago, we also had an unusual bird in Tofta, in Ölmäiken – a wash for the laundry of non-tristones – and he probably also came here because he was blowing.

But where is the bird?

– He probably went to China. It nestles in the Ural mountains but moves to the southeast.

Maybe Stora Enso will make sure that more people can see the unusual bird on Saturday.

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