Swedish Democrats at the top of Yougov's latest poll


SWEDEN The Swedish Democrats retain the leadership of the latest opinion poll of Yougov / Metro. At the same time, the category "Other" increases

SD decreases by 2.8 percentage points compared to Yougov's junim measure, but still maintains management by 25.7 percent. Second, the Social Democrats arrive with 21.2%, followed by the moderates at 15.9%.

The Christian Democrats and the Environment Party are just under the four percent mark, and so should leave the Riksdag if it was the election. 3.4 to 4.7 percent. It excludes the feminist initiative, which receives 1% of the support of the population. The parties that are the best in this category are unclear.

According to Metro, the new survey shows that the electorate is becoming more polarized. Swedish Democrats now have almost twice as much support as in the 2014 elections. At the same time, the Left Party is 4.1 points higher in its last elections

– Swedish Democrats are probably not disappointed. This is exactly what explains the success of the Left Party, says scientist Marja Lemne at Metro

See also: Henrik Arnstad, lavender specialist, Nazi attack on the Swedish Democrats

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