Swedish Democrats open to vote on budget M


Sustainable development is now open to moderates for their policies to be implemented, not to the budget of the transitional government of the Red Cross.

"We are going to implement our own budget motions and of course we will vote for them," said Oscar Sjöstedt, the party's economic spokesman, "what we are doing in the event of a fall is open.

On the question of whether SD can think of a moderate budget, says Sjöstedt that "there is no possibility [SD] excludes ".

– We oppose these options one by one and see what policy, as we said, suits us best.

The most important political issue of the EA is undeniably migration, and the moderate migration policy is not far off.

"It is no secret to us that we attach great importance to immigration policy and the needs of a restrictive line, as well as to our voters," said Oscar Sjöstedt.

The practice addresses all parties of the opposition At the Riksdag, a fictitious budget is presented, for which you vote yourself, to reflect your own policy. But if one or more parties choose to vote on a budget other than their own, or the government, you can block the current government budget.

This made the Swedish Democrats in 2014 and precipitated the government's red-green budget proposal by voting on the Alliance's budget.

For a moderate budget to be valid, it is sufficient that M, SD and KD vote it.

Christian Democrats have not yet voted on the budget motion of another party that has not yet been negotiated and, according to a central Christian Democrat, Ecotics has spoken with him, it is too early to raise this issue for the KD.

It is also difficult to know whether the moderates will present their own budget motions.

But Oscar Sjöstedt thinks it would be strange that M does not show his policy.

"It is completely incomprehensible for me not to try to pursue his own policy, which in a sentence promised his constituents in parliament," he said.

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