Swedish Democrats should be better treated – Blekinge Läns Journal


The time for embarrassing marks is over.

A friend listened to a critical leader I wrote about the Swedish Democrats. He did not think I was really honorable in my description of the party. "You usually say that you have to answer the best argument of the opposition, but here it was most fears."

He has a score. I do not judge Swedish Democrats as one party among others, they are too new and untested. I also do not think that the distinction between rhetoric and expectations in the party support groups and the polished facade of the Riksdag should be ignored. The racism and the piano of the political representatives are mapped on the site "Not Racist But …".

Often you are no longer in a short opinion piece.

At the same time, there are many things that I do not like in the way Swedish Democrats are treated. As when the president of LO, the Social Democrat Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson, refused to participate in a panel TV because the Swedish Democrat Paula Bieler also participated.

I am ashamed for him.

There are thoughtful, honorable and experienced people. say in all parts – also in the Swedish Democrats. I think she is wrong in most of her questions: prohibition of begging, increased bureaucratic review that limits the rights to abortion and the migration policy of which she is the spokesperson – including a right to So limited asylum that they get who can stay only can do it temporarily and so can not start a new life here.

But anyone who has listened to how the Swedish Democrats have historically compared or compared with other representatives may still note that Bieler has a different tone. She does not always come back to condemn Muslims, like Jimmie Åkesson, she rarely shares alternative media articles related to the party, and is often optimistic and constructive. This and its Jewish roots make it an object of hatred for the Nazis.

Another is Jonas Andersson, a Skelleftebo who works with unaccompanied refugees. He has been debating for a number of years, trying to pay attention to the problems that arise when boys over 18 fall among young people, but with a constant humanism and refusal to pull everyone on a comb. Andersson, for example, promised that there would be guys who will succeed in Sweden through the high school championship against which he is opposed. Two thoughts in his head.

He will be in the ranks of Swedish Democrats in the election this fall. This does not make it less worthy of being listened to. On the contrary, I noticed how angry he was against, for example, the laws of Jimmie Åkesson on duty

In the 2014 elections, the Swedish Democrats received nearly 13% of the votes, telling them many more voices in the fall. I belong to those who are directly afraid of the development that it brings – their nationalist agenda limits freedom, isolates Sweden and attracts other parties in their direction.

But the Swedish Democrats are a big party. It holds representatives and voters who are much better than the party they represent and choose. How can they be won by someone who refuses to talk to them?

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