That's why Stefan Löfven flirts with the liberals and the center


Visby. Stefan Löfven is fighting on several fronts. He wants to survive as prime minister, he wants to preserve his party as a political force and he wants to keep the link with the LO.

Three Difficult Tasks

Stefan Löfven's speech in Almedalen was remote and deserted. The struggle in Sweden and in the world lies between the forces of good and evil and it is time to choose a way.

– Axle your responsibility. Choose to stand on the bright side of the story, he said. The Nazis of the Nordic Resistance Movement had already broken their "traitors of the people" mandatory, although in a much more moderate vintage than under the speech of Annie Lööf the day before.

Stefan Löfven sits in a troubled siege . Election support two months before polling day is record. To survive as prime minister, he must fight – or be lucky.

As a result, he changed tactics. In the speech, he did not do as he did, the liberals and the Center extend a hand and give them a place with each other

No, now even moderates have received some recognition .

– I know the moderates also sees the insecurity and fragmentation of society, said Löfven who obviously hates their solutions. But even M had defined the same problem as S. Always something.

Moreover, Löfven flirted with the Liberals and the Center. He reminded the Liberal Prime Minister, Värner Rydén, who in 1918 was in favor of his life, to propose universal and equal voting rights, a change that would also be made by the Social Democrats. Rydén was afraid that extremists would take the violence to stop the decision.

The recall recalled the troubled 1920s and 1930s when Sweden, like today, lacked clear political majorities. Nationalism has prevailed, today it is walking again.

– But Swedish workers and officials appeared. Social Democrats, but also liberal and liberal forces.

According to Löfven, they opposed those who spread heat and hatred at that time.

– Together, they built a Sweden that struck the world with astonishment

and if Annie Lööf (C) and Jan Björklund (L) probably did not understand the underlying message, Löfven added :

– Now we have to do it again.

But Stefan Löfven is fighting on several fronts. Social Democrats, like many of their sister parties in the European Union, are losing the support and influence of voters.

For more than half a century, social democrats have become one of three equal parties.

It would be a moron called a backlash that the worst part of the holiday does not get. The opposition of Stefan Löfven was also calling this year's election for a referendum on welfare. Not just a choice between good and bad.

The language of Almedal was a vision of the case. Löfven has counted an infinite amount of things that his party wants to do to enhance well-being. It was like a spider web. It was understood that he wanted a lot, but not what.

The third flank that Stefan Löfven insists concerns LO members. LO has formed the Social Democrats, they have more than one hundred years of cooperation behind them. The president of LO still sits in the highest leadership of the Social Democrats.

The LO meant a great deal for the political movement of the labor movement. They support the money and support the staff.

LO members have always been the base of the Social Democrats. But now the support fails. According to polls in 2008, only one member of the LO, 51%, voted for the Social Democrats in the last elections. In SCB's big poll last May, it dropped to more than 38 percent.

If party support declines, it is not certain that LO members think that the best way to use shared money is to provide a part of the Social Democrats. But what are the social democrats without LO?

You do not know because this problem has never been updated. But one thing is certain, Stefan Löfven does not even want the question. Therefore, too, he speaks of well-being. People will recognize as the songs of the party mantra

This is Lena Mellin 00:25

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