The accommodation in Olingdal and Härjåsjön is extinguished after a forest fire


60 houses in Olingdal and Härjåsjön are evacuated due to forest fires raging in Härjedalen.

Everyone in the area should leave.

The forest fires raged in Fågelsjö-Lillåsen in Härjedalen and now the rescue service invites the inhabitants of Olingdal and Härjåsjön to leave. Their houses.

The evacuation takes place in cooperation between the police and the rescue services.

– We are very hot outside. It burns heavily and fires spread. The evacuation has begun, says Anders Häggkvist, city council.

The area's airport serves as a collection site, and it is there that the evacuees departed.

– We do not really hope that the fire will stand, says Anders Häggkvist

He describes it as an extraordinary situation.

Photo: Private

Erik Åström lives in the area: Clearly, I'm worried.

"I am clearly worried"

Erik Åström, one of the inhabitants of the region

– The village was completely evacuated. We received a text message from SOS Alarm about it and gathered our stuff, he says.

He is currently one block away from Härjåsjön and Olingdal, and heads for Sveg.

– We drive from here with our own cars. We were going to take our snowmobiles first, but we did not understand.

Do you feel worried?

– Of course, I feel worried, but I do not really know what to feel.

60 properties affected

According to the Swedish radio Jämtland, there are about 60 properties in the affected areas, 40 in Olingdal and about 20 in Olingsjövallen.

Further west in Härjedalen, the rescue service is occupied by several fires. one just south of Sveg covers an area of ​​1600 hectares. It has also spread to several other places.

– We have a number of helicopters in the air. Henrik Jansson, the Härjedalen Rescue Service Internal Command

In the municipality of Ljusdal in Gävleborg County, he is now burning in five locations. In Ängra it is an area of ​​400-500 hectares. In Kårböle, the public is invited to enter the interior and close doors, windows and close ventilation

About 50 in Sweden, about 50 forest fires ravage due to severe drought, indicates SOS Alarm. ]

The text is updated

The three titles of today Tuesday, July 17th 00:29

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