The Alliance takes over the power of S in Gothenburg


After eight weeks of silence, Gothenburg's policy was intense, but on Wednesday, the city's second city policy took a dramatic turn when the Alliance called for an unexpected press conference.

"It's a great day for Gothenburg.We can present a new forum for Gothenburg, Axel Josefsson, moderator group moderates.

He is expected to take the chairmanship of the city council after Ann-Sofie Hermansson, S.

But Hermansson is not sure that it's time to yield power. She thinks that all the possibilities of continuing to control are not exhausted.

– Nothing is clear. We are not yet near a new council. It's several weeks ahead. I am still attached to a large picture and I will continue the conversation, "she says.

Ann-Sofie Hermansson, S, has not yet thrown the towel.


The S-board in Gothenburg can be finished

But as it appears after Wednesday's announcement, the Gothenburg S-board, which has lasted 24 years, could end.

The four alliance parties, moderates, liberals, center party and Christian Democrats have announced their intention to take over – through an elective agreement with V, MP and Fi.

The three red-green parties launched Tuesday with the creation of a new bloc – without the former social democrats.

The split of the old red-green cooperation created a new situation that led the Alliance to present the agreement with the new left bloc.

Axel Josefson, M., is proposed to become the new adviser in Gothenburg.


"We followed the practice and created an elective agreement with the second most important budget option, the red-green rose.The Alliance was the biggest budget option in this process.We tried to find different coalitions during the trip But now that the red-green regime has collapsed, we see that there is a new budget alternative, the second most important, "said Axel Josefson, moderate group leader. in Gothenburg, at the press conference on Wednesday.

He explains that the Alliance will occupy the presidency and vice-president positions in boards and businesses, while the red-green rose will receive other vice-presidential positions.

It is proposed that Helene Odenjung, L, become vice-chair of the municipal council.

The Alliance stresses that the agreement with the new left bloc does not concern political cooperation.

"There is no political cooperation, it's about organization, not about politics," says David Lega, head of the KD Group in Gothenburg.

The mandate in Gothenburg

Alliance (M, C, L and KD): 24 mandates

The green red rose (V, Mp and Fi): 19 mandates.

Social Democrats: 17 mandates.

Democrats: 14 mandates.

Swedish Democrats: 7 mandates.

The joy of David Lega

The two largest parties in the autumn elections in Gothenburg were the Social Democrats and the Democrats. In the new agreement, it is the two parties who are reunited on the outside.

"It is with great humility that we understand that this is a difficult situation, but with great joy we say that we are also ready to assume our responsibilities. let's go back to our direction, "said Helene Odenjung, L.

David Lega believes that "Gothenburg waits for 24 years in a new council".

David Lega, head of the KD group in Gothenburg.


"It is clear that we are happy, but at the same time we are humble, but we realize that we do not have the majority and that we will need to do so with discussions," he says.

Annie Lööf, the leader of the party, prays Annie Lööf, leader of the party, elected the council after the elections.

"Congratulations to the Alliance", she writes on Twitter.

Message from Ann-Sofie Hermansson

At the same time, Ann-Sofie Hermansson, current president of the city council of Gothenburg, is far from giving up.

"It's an unhealthy alliance, a policy when it's the worst," she says.

Hermansson said at the press conference that she would still look for cross-border talks and was convinced that the deal struck between the red-green rose and the alliance did not give them any power.

"It gives them money, but it does not give them the power because they have been in opposition.

"In short, it does not seem to be a good day for Gothenburg, I am really worried about the city's evolution, I will not ax it well, because nothing is clear.

Ann-Sofie Hermansson, S.


She also explained how she would like to conduct further discussions with the Democrats.

"The two parties on which most of the Göteborgers voted are the Social Democrats and the Democrats, and for the moment the two largest parties are outside," said Hermansson.

On the question, she wanted to cooperate with the Democrats, she replied:

"It is clear that you will continue to make calls.

Then it will be voted on the budget

And the leader of the leftist party group in Gothenburg, Daniel Bernmar, says that he still hopes that "S will take its meaning of capture".

And in this case, it is not at all certain that there will be an interaction with the alliance.

– If S chooses to vote through our budget, this agreement does not apply. S is faced with the election to release the right or continue cooperation with us, says Daniel Bernmar.

On November 22, City Council will pay the city budget.

Martin Wannholt, Leader of the Democrats Party


At the same time, Martin Wannholt confirms that the Democrats now continue to dialogue with the Social Democrats.

And he says that the assembly "naturally receives a table of KS and budget choices" on November 22, and only decides the tax rate.

"It's worth it to win a month to see if there is anyone on a page who can remember and come up with a budget with enough support to control the city."

He believes that Daniel Bernmar "fooled the shirt" of the alliance:

– He frees them to control a city without being able to control a city. They are a minority and weak in all committees and councils. They can not manage anything in Gothenburg. It will only be a paper product in the public administration in the form of a budget. It does not matter You can not control a city this way. Of course, he knows Daniel Bernmar who served in the majority. When he did not hear from S, he went to the opposition and, with the help of the Alliance, he received all the social democratic records. and money with him, which allowed him to strengthen his role as an opponent.

Is there a way for Democrats and Social Democrats to compromise on the Western connection?

– We have such conversations. We will come back if it's ok. I do not know But we can not come back for Hagastation.

The days that rocked politics in Gothenburg

Tuesday, November 6th:

The left-wing party, the environmental party and the feminist initiative announced in the morning that they had decided to form their own red-green block in the city of Gothenburg – without the social- Democrats.

The new block on the left is larger than S but less than the alliance with a total of 19 mandates.

S has 17 mandates and alliance 24.

Wednesday, November 7th:

In the morning, the Alliance called for a press conference to present "great news".

At 11:30 am, it was announced that the Alliance had initiated an election collaboration with the new block of red-green roses. Through the agreement, the Alliance gets its budget. And the red-green rose, in turn, receives other positions of vice presidents in city councils and businesses.

At noon, press the red-green rose and Daniel Bernmar explains that he is asking S to vote for the budget of the red-green rose and to continue cooperation: "This agreement is not applicable".

At 12:30, S. and Ann-Sofie Hermansson comment on the events of today. She announces that she does not give up and declares that "we are not yet close to a new board".

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