The Anrika pub will burn – Oskarshamnsbor is invited to stay indoors



The adjoining property of the center of Oskarshamn will burn and can not be saved. The public is encouraged to stay because the spread of smoke is so strong.

At lunchtime, a shelter entered and the emergency service, which has difficulties, has an excavator ready to tear the building. They can not enter because of racial risk.

It is at 8 pm Saturday night that the fire started in the ventilation system of the Kråkan Pub in Kungsgatan in the center of Oskarshamn. The property has three floors of flames spread on the wind and on the apartments above the pub.

Kråkan Pub has been in existence for more than 20 years and is a bit of a place of culture in Oskarshamn. The company behind the pub also operates Badholmen, Hotell Corallen and Hotell Adels. The address also includes apartments and several other businesses. However, all people could be evacuated quickly.

A person sitting with some friends in the pub became close to the witness of the fire

– Smoke came out of the kitchen. He's open in the kitchen fan, he says.

Here you can see images of the center of Oskarshamn:

Just after nine o'clock on Saturday night there were two rescue forces on the spot, another en route. Internal extinguishment and sent in smokers who have extinguished and searched the apartments, and smoke divers are now in the wind and extinguish. They are looking for a thermal camera to search for design lights. According to Janne Karlsson, there is no one in the property.

During the night, the fire increased and the strong spread of the smoke forced the emergency service to come out with a VMA, important message to the public

– It burns again and the house will burn, so there will be a strong smoke development in the center of Oskarshamn. We invite everyone to close and close windows, doors and ventilation, "Janne Karlsson said at 6:10 am on Sunday morning.

How did you work during the night?

– We worked on an extinguishing work. The house has been rebuilt and enlarged several times and burns in construction. We do not get used to it and now the risk of running is too big to enter the building, but it will burn under controlled forms.

A nearby apartment building has gained space and, according to the rescue service, there could be more real estate that needs to be emptied of thick smoke. It depends on the weather and the wind.

In the morning and morning, he was still heavily burned in the building. Roofs and walls started to come in and at noon the spread of smoke was still high.

– A hammer broke and burst. We have an excavator in place ready to pick up the walls, but we are the one who determines the scenario. We're probably going to tear down the wall, "says interior commissioner Jonas Neldemyr

If you let the building burn alone while keeping the fire alone, there is a risk that the spread of smoke will continue.

– Then it will be possible "The biggest thing for the rescue service is to try to make the building collapse in the interior so as not to blame against nearby buildings or against people standing, "he added. near.

– The risks are that people will encounter facades and ceilings, but we have locks that keep people from getting too close, says Jonas Neldemyr.

There are several curious spectators who are there despite the warning of dangerous smoke

– Consider your own health and safety. The smoke is not good for health.

If you have the opportunity to go elsewhere, Jonas Neldemyr thinks it's a good idea. Otherwise, it will be enough to keep it closed to their homes.

Are you killed by smoke? Contact the magazine at 0480-59244 or at [email protected].

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