The baby Fridolin has lowered the feast of the environment


"A box of childhood that is no longer cute," described Gustav Fridolin in the Little Drive podium. It is as bad as a convincing statement about the politician who announced on Wednesday that he intended to leave as a linguistic reserve for the Environment Party.

Since Fridolin, aged 12, rose at the national congress of the deputy in Alingsås, he was perceived as the party's grandchild. He ran the youth federation at the age of 15, negotiated a budget with Göran Persson four years later and became a linguist for the Environmental Party at 28.

However, as a party leader, he has never managed to meet high expectations. Under the leadership of Fridolin, the Party of the Environment took part in two consecutive parliamentary elections. You were finally a hair follower. It was like he had never really made the move to more adult roles.

Gustav Fridolin leaves as a language pipe

Gustav Fridolin was a linguist and led the party of the environment to govern. However, as Minister of Education, he did not do much, even though his party had to pay a lot to get the job.

His big number – guaranteed reading-writing – has been condemned by teachers worried about further administration. It was not until last May that the Riksdag held it in a modified form. After four years in the service of Gustav Fridolin as Minister of Accountability, the MP's confidence in school problems is almost non-existent.

Fridolin seemed to appreciate the barricades better. Although he was a minister, he was persuaded to oppose the refugee policy, to shake hands with it and to judge his own policy of "shit". His lack of discipline contributed to the fact that for a long time the Environment Party had barely had the opportunity to talk about environmental and climate policy.

He certainly did not have luck with the timing. He was the activist who became a government minister at a time when realpolitik was needed. But he ends up being considered the leader of the least favored party in Sweden – and at that time.

Fridolin's treatment of the 2016 Mehmet Kaplan scandal was an accident. Despite the fact that the Housing Minister refused to send the Islamists back to Milli Görus, Fridolin imposed a status on him. With his clumsy statements, he aggravated the crisis over defender Erdogan Yasri Khans and his candidacy for the party council. In the end, Åsa Romson was forced to serve as a pipe because of Fridolin's failure.

He had to save his political career from time to time – but the voters did not forgive him. His confidence figures slowed down by 26 to 14% according to Demoskop's measures and they never recovered.

The party of the environment has become a leftist party

The interesting question is which road the part of the environment now chooses. When Maria Wetterstrand and Peter Eriksson resigned, the member was a party that could negotiate with both blocs with credibility.

Fridolin quickly hit the course. The fact that the environmentalist party plays a peripheral role in the formation of the government is only partially attributable to the results of the unprecedented elections. The MP has become a leading leftist party.

What is symptomatic of Gustav Fridolin's leadership, is that he is now building bridges by judging the lack of humanity of the moderates, while his party colleagues govern in the city of Stockholm and the county councils with the alliance.

Hope Per Bolund – the favorite to become a new tongue-in-cheek – can make green children's table and make the MP a pragmatic and results-oriented environmental party.

Read also:

The populist Fridolin

The member himself is responsible for the whistle

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