The blue green wants to take power in the Uppsala region – P4 Uppland


At a press conference on Friday, the Alliance and the Environment Party presented their proposal for a minority government in the Uppsala region.

A blue-green cooperation anticipated because the parties were different from the designers of the Akademiska production, the tramway in Uppsala and the economic policy.

But in these matters, this is a consensus, according to the Marlena Ranch Environmentalist Region Council.

"I was not worried about working with the moderates Without noticing that we needed a consensus on several important issues, that 's why we were happy to sit down and negotiate with them. Alliance, "said Marlena Ranch.

Social Democratic Regional Council Börje Wennberg is disappointed that the environmental party has changed sides and thinks that it will be difficult to govern with the Alliance.

– The feast of the environment has rarely been left to us on many issues. It can be difficult for them to work with moderates and Christian Democrats, "said Börje Wennberg.

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