The church is held in conjunction with the fair – maybe a job


STRÄNGNÄS / STOCKHOLM. The cathedral was open to visitors and the lunch fair was held as usual.

At the same time, two thieves broke the bumpers and fled by boat.

The exchange – two invaluable kings and riksapple – is always traceable with the authors. Thomas Agnevik at the police [1]

The alarm concerning the age of the church arrived at the police at 11:45. A quarter of an hour later, the lunch fair began as usual in one of the smaller side chapels.

Most of the staff were probably unaware of what was going on in the church a few minutes earlier and when the police arrived, the thieves had already moved with a flight in a boat.

1 of 14 | Photo: SVENSKA KYRKAN

The crown of Karl IX is stolen from the church of Strängnäs.

According to information in Aftonbladet, an employee should have observed the robbers as they were leaving the church towards a waiting boat.

Another witness, Tom Rowsell, had lunch with friends and told Aftonbladet that he reacted immediately when he saw the two men.

– We had lunch and one of my friends saw two people leave different directions. I saw a small white boat and the men jumped into the boat and drove off, says Tom Rowsell

There should be no threat or violence related to the robbery and no one in the staff at all. church should have been injured. However, employees are shocked by the event

– it's a huge loss of cultural value and economic value, but that all people manage as badly as they are worth, says Catharina Fröjd , communicator at the Strängnäs Cathedral Assembly with Aspö.

She also recounts that church staff gathered and spoke in the afternoons and that those who were in place during the flight were given support. appeal and other aid

from the church, only that it was of "high value."

Later, they revealed that what is missing is a part of Charles IX and Kristina the funeral regiment of the elderly.

Two crowns and a riksäpple of 1611 are what the robbers met. The irreplaceable objects are adorned with gold, precious stones and pearls.

It is difficult to say exactly how much money is worth.

– It is too difficult to transform these objects into value. It's such a unique object, "said Thomas Agnevik, the presidential spokesman for the police.

Digging booths alarmed

According to the Swedish Church, objects should be stored in locked and alarmed stands Thomas Agnevik says thieves must break the glass

– They had to do it

The alarm should also have been triggered in connection with the theft, says Catharina Fröjd

] Can be a command job

difficult to turn into money for criminals.One of the theories of the police is why theft can be a job ordered by criminal circles that has buyers of this type of money.

– Stolen things of course have no value if they are not sold, says spokesman Thomas Bergqvist 19659005] He points out that at such an early stage of the war, investigation, the police can not say that's the case this time, m even if it is a hypothesis

"If they are professionals, it will end"

Objects of historical value, coming from a sheltered cabin in an inhabited church, then disappearing Tracing on the site at sea may seem clever.

But Thomas Agnevik still does not want to raise them to professionals

– If they are professionals, it will happen that we do not seize objects or manufacture someone for this crime .

He compares the crime with robberies against gold shops where thieves may have seemed very professional at first, but then left the trace or were around and recycled the days before in a manner unfathomable.

– Running in a church break a booth and then go, yes I do not know if I want to call them still professionals.

Although the police did not catch the thieves, Thomas Agnevik is not worried.

– It's 1-0 for them right now, but we do not know what it looks like


Five spectacular flights to Sweden 00:50

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