The defense robs firefighters from Jönköping at forest fires


There are firefighters and auto industry volunteers who will be exchanging their employees for wildfires in the area. The flight is done with a Hercules aircraft from Jönköping and the planet will then bring the staff who worked with the fires back to Jönköping in recent days.

The firefighters transported to Östersund come from Jönköping, Östergötland and Kalmar County. There are also volunteers from the Volunteers Car Corporation.

The Accident Protection Act

– This is the first time we have entered and supported the transport of firefighters in connection with these forest fires. Rickard Wissman, an officer in charge of the armed forces, said: "Air transport and the support of the armed forces are extremely valuable in order to quickly recover staff who have been prepared for the intervention in central Sweden, but also to repatriate staff quickly. to be ready and to make efforts in our region.

Herkules comes from Såtenäs and makes a short stop in Jönköping to take the staff.

It was late last night that the Jönköping County Relief Service requested the help of the Armed Forces for the transportation of personnel. This is done with reference to the Accident Support Act, which gives the rescue officer this opportunity.

– Air transport and the support of the armed forces are extremely valuable, partly to quickly recruit staff rested in the Middle East operation, but also to prepare quickly and make efforts in our immediate vicinity ", Says Jonas Petri, chief of emergency in Jönköping California.

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