The doctor was alarmed by the insulting words of the patient: "No support"


Hundreds of doctors testify racist or offensive comments in the questionnaire sent by the Swedish Medical Association in collaboration with SVT News. And several doctors told them that they had not received any support or feedback from the employer when they spoke about violations of patients' rights.

One of them is Amy Bruta, aged 28, who performed her technical assistance service in a Jönköping County hospital a year and a half ago. She tells him that she and several colleagues have raised issues with the manager, especially during investigations on the work environment.

"It's like we take it seriously if it comes from colleagues, but not if it came from patients.We were told that the boss can not do anything about it if it comes from colleagues.They do not know not what to do.

"We feel excluded and different"

Amy Bruta says that she often receives well meaning but hurt comments, as they arrive so often. It may be that she sees "exotics" or patients who say "welcome to our country".

"You do not know how to react, it is an elderly person who is sick and who is trying to be nice.But this is not fun to hear.It feels excluded and different.

"Will provide all possible support"

In the Jönköping region, it is unfortunate that Amy Bruta has received no support from the employer.

"We will provide all possible support in these situations, and it is a shame to hear that someone does not understand you," said Eivor Blomqvist, head of public health and health care in the region. from Jönköping and secretary of the region's Ethics Council.

Since 2016, there are guidelines in the Jönköping region on how to proceed when patients have to choose or not to consult a doctor or other health professional on the basis of sex or ethnicity.

However, according to Eivor Blomqvist, the region's guidelines do not address patient comments.

"It is more difficult to have a practical strategy in these cases.This is not easy to answer.

Medical Association: Simplify your life

Heidi Stensmyren, president of the Medical Association, said employers should be able to recognize and deal with problems of violations and racism.

– It is wrong that the employer can not handle this in terms of client or patient. It is a work situation and there is the law on work. You make it a little easier. If a situation can not be reported, you must at least acknowledge the problem and take care of the person who has been exposed.

Ulrich Stoetzer, an expert at the Work Environment Authority, said that violations committed by colleagues and violations by patients are two different things, but that both could lead to health problems.

– Special violent treatment by a colleague or leader may result in illness or an end outside the community. If it comes from patients, it's another kind of risk, one would think that it becomes a stressful situation and that it fails in people so that in the long run it can lead to health problems.

The employer should investigate whether there is a risk of illness, as well as solutions and follow-up, "said Ulrich Stoetzer.

– This applies to all types of risks. And is it so vast that there is a risk, we must act.

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