The emergency service begins to control the fire: "Look positively"


Just before Monday's luncheon, a helicopter arrived to help turn off the job. The rescue service began to control the forest fires at Mellingerum north of Kristdala

– During the day, 45 firefighters fought with the local army and one of the defense helicopters trying to control the fire.

  - The fire is not yet under control, according to emergency chief Johan Woxö.

– The fire is not yet under control, according to emergency chief Johan Woxö. The Oskarshamn and Kristdala rescue service also strengthened the Öland and Västervik rescue services, as well as 16 men from the Kalmar Home Warfare Battalion

. . During Monday, the reinforcement of Vimmerby's rescue service also arrived

  Erik Svensson, military insider, gives an idea of ​​the forest fire inside the trolley

Erik Svensson, l & # 39; military insider, presents an idea of ​​the forest fire. On Monday, you worked hard in the inaccessible area trying to compose the fire.

  The Kalmar homeland battalion brings 18 men to fight the fires

The Kalmar homeland battalion brings 18 men to fight the fires

– We are gathering power today in the party North. Johan Woxö

  With the help of the trolley, it is possible to bring the fire closer to the fire zone where we have not yet managed to call the fire.

With the help of the trolley, it is possible to bring the fire closer.

He also says rescuers have struggled in recent days because the forest fires followed directly into the fire where Pub Crow was destroyed.

– We called our best and we are as resourceful as possible.

Forest fires damaged 130,000 volts of electricity from the Simpevarp nuclear power plant in Hultsfred, and Eon staff inspected the damage on Monday. Nobody comes out of power because you are connecting to the network, but the margins are going down.

  On Monday morning, several players met on the management site to coordinate their efforts. Jan Karlsson of the Rescue Service led the meeting with left-wing Johan Löfvenberg of Eon, Håkan Lundgren of LRF, Erik Svensson Military, Dan Sundström of the Prefecture, Maria Gunnarsson Communications Officer of the Municipality of Oskarshamn, Fredrik Cederholm from Infratek.

On Monday morning, various senior management took part in coordinating their efforts. Jan Karlsson of the Rescue Service led the meeting with left-wing Johan Löfvenberg of Eon, Håkan Lundgren of LRF, Erik Svensson Military, Dan Sundström of the Prefecture, Maria Gunnarsson Communications Officer of the Municipality of Oskarshamn, Fredrik Cederholm from Infratek.

– Several poles are damaged, the staglinor burns and the cables are hit on the ground, explains Johan Löfvenberg, maintenance engineer at Eon, adding that the understanding will be a good inspection of the poles and wires to see more In detail the size The harm is …

– But it's a long time before we can do it, it's too dangerous right now, he says.

Monday afternoon, the important message was made public Sunday. This at the same time as a dozen specially trained firefighters from all over Sweden have arrived.

Ingemar Idh, the chief of the rescue, was cautiously optimistic:

– We set a limit to the west today, the fire went through somewhere but we have water bombs for Soak the terrain in front and we will have access to the helicopter on Tuesday too. What sets it up, it's the wind, it has been rising and twisting all the time, he says.

In the evening, the rescue service began to control the fire

– but it will probably take a lot of work in the morning before it can say that it is under control. It's a little bit dependent on how the wind turns and turns, and we really get wet out of the way to avoid fires, "says Ingemar Idh

– but for now, the situation looks positive.

A reaction in Monday's work was that the Defense Force helicopter was benched by a technical error

– We missed a little of the effect we wanted with the helicopter. And it will be so in the morning – we will not receive a helicopter until noon, says Ingermar Idh.

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