The family's concerns when they saw the signs on the beach


On the popular Steninge Beach between Halmstad and Falkenberg, the municipality of Halmstad said Thursday that the water was unsuitable.

But many bathers on the beach missed the warning and bathed anyway

. It was too small. When we saw it, we started talking to others about the patches. Many came and read after they bathed, said Jose Wold, who was at the beach when the spots were fixed.

Were held 50 meters from the water

On the patches that were established, about 50 meters of water "high levels of E. coli and enterococci bacteria that make unsuitable water. "

– The patch was 50 meters from the water. But we did not think about it first. We had no idea that it would be dangerous to swim.

– The danger is that the patch is so small

"Can not miss the panels"

Just before 11 panels were installed by the municipality of Halmstad. How people may have missed the signs, says Boris Bile at the Halmstad Municipality is strange.

– You can not miss the signs if you get off the car park. There we have a sign. Then we have a big pier and at the beach, "said Boris Bile, Coast Officer at the Technology and Recreation Administration

He also claims that there is not such a big beach that people could pass the signs. quite a small beach. There is no mile beach. How people missed the signage that I can not understand. It's an enigma for me, says Boris Bile.

Multichannel Information

The municipality says that the information was transmitted over several channels as an action.

– We were there today to sign as an action as soon as it became known. Anders Thorén, General Manager of the Technology and Recreation Administration of the Municipality of Halmstad, added: [traduction]

People missed the signs and complained that they are small. with information on his website. There you write that you will be taking new samples shortly.

– We will send the samples to the test. It depends on the speed of the analysis. We can get the answer tonight or tomorrow, says Boris Bile.

Can become stomach

If you enter the water, you may, depending on the municipality, risk getting sick. Something that worries Joseph now.

– My daughter tried to learn to swim to have water. She does not feel bad now but they say it can happen after an hour or during the night. We will keep an eye on her during the day.

We still do not know where the bacteria come from. The municipality of Halmstad is currently looking for the source.

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