The FBI publishes new photos of Jayme missing, 13


Police publish new images in search of missing girl

Jayme Closs was present when her parents were shot in the family home in Wisconsin, United States.

After the double killing, the girl of 13 years is completely lost.

Police are working frantically and have received over 400 tips so far.

At the same time, investigators progressed in the survey and received answers to several questions.

A double murmur and alleged humanitarian law were given to the Barron County police in the United States of Wisconsin to work day and night.

On Monday night, the Closs couple was found murdered after an anonymous person called 911 and was alerted, as reported by Aftonbladet earlier.

Shot to death

James Closs, 56, and Denise Closs, 46, were found in their residence. Both had been shot. The murdered couple's daughter, Jayme Closs, aged 13, was suspected of being at the scene of her parents' murder. She is now lost.

"We think Jayme was home when the murder took place and we think she's still in danger," said Chris Fitzgerald, Barber County Sheriff, at a press conference held Wednesday.

Police do not suspect the 13-year-old man of committing the crime. It is feared that she was kidnapped under the murder of her parents.

Mysterious sounds in the background

The police were in place a few minutes after the management center received the emergency call from the house. But the first patrol observed no people or cars near the house.

"The management operator heard background noises during the call, but no one said anything," Fitzgerald said.

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Jayme Closs, 13, has been found since Monday when her two parents were found murdered at the family's home.

Jayme's parents had been shot dead, but no alleged gun of murder or other firearms were found in the residence. It is not known how long the couple died when the police arrived.

The police found the cell phone used to make the call, but you do not want to tell who owns the phone.

The FBI of the Federal Police has now received the audio file of the emergency call.

"They are experts in analyzing this type of evidence," said Chris Fitzgerald on the television show "Crime & Justice" on Wednesday night local time.

The FBI publishes new images

According to several US media, it is because of the sound file that investigators have discovered that the 13-year-old was at home. However, it is unclear if she listens to the recording and what she says in this case.

Until now, the police have received more than 400 tips on this subject, but none of them has so far resulted in a breakthrough. At an early stage of the investigation, it was suggested that Jayme would have been seen at a service station in Florida, which was the subject of an investigation.

A neighbor of the Closs couple said they heard two shots during the night.

"It seemed weird," said the neighbor.

Barron County Police and the FBI Milwaukee Department have released new pictures of 13-year-old Jayme Closs in the hope that someone will see her.

In the past 24 hours, several volunteers have helped police in Barron County, according to the AP news agency. Volunteers are looking for immediate proximity after the age of 13.

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