The firefighter Jani Sahamie's family appealed to the public


Sylvia Sahamies, 44, and her husband Jani Sahamies, 43, received a daughter three months ago. The girl is the third of the siblings, and the parents, from Ålberga to Nyköping, are now completely upset by all that the births mean

But in the midst of baby's happiness, the fires started to make rage and Jani, a volunteer firefighter Sylvia says, "Sylvia hopes that more people will follow the fire bans than board – so that the newborn can come home.

The image of the family is widespread

There is a total ban on fires in Sweden and firefighters have repeatedly expressed the importance of not using grids disposable, nor cigarettes fired in nature.

However, according to Sylvia, there are still many people who challenge the forbidden n. Therefore, she chose to post a Facebook post on Facebook where she appealed to the public

– Many do not listen when there is an authority that warns, so I chose to post the picture on my husband and my daughter. This image can make people understand.

The image of Jani and her daughter is widely spread on Facebook. In writing, more than 300 users shared the post.

– We had thought of spending these days as a family, but now Jani must put out the fires caused by pure slaves in many cases.

The family is hoping soon Jani

Photo: Private

"Had thought of the vacant summer days"

During fieldwork, Jani took a picture of the day. a tree that was close to falling on him. This image was stuck in Sylvia's head.

– Clearly, I am worried. It is important that nature be on their side, it is dangerous there. At the same time, I must believe that he knows what he did

The tree could have fallen on one of the firefighters

Photo: Private [19659016WhilethehusbandisonamissionSylviaisaloneathomewiththeirthreechildrenShewouldhavepreferredtoseethatthefamilywasspendingtheirholidaysinadifferentway

– We were supposed to have vacant summer days. If people had not challenged the curfew, we could have sat on a beach and eat ice cream now. But it is clear that he helps on the spot, we both agreed.

Now, she hopes the job will make a difference.

– If I can get someone who does not throw a breach in nature, I did something.

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