The fires continue to rage – now the jump is on fire


  • At the present time, several heavy forest fires ravage Sweden. According to SOS Alarm, 36 rescue operations are currently underway in the country
  • The forest areas of Gävleborg County, Dalarna and Jämtland County are the most affected
  • in most of the country. 19659002] Wednesday Italian fire-fighting plan will help extinguish
  • In Härjedalen, about 60 properties have been evacuated, reports Swedish radio.

In anticipation of SAR rescue and firefighters, a group of bathers extinguished the forest fires. Little Röcknen in Vättern, they are now rented for their efforts

Sweden's resistance to fire has been criticized, including by the Center Party. Magnus Sjöholm, Ombudsman of the National Federation of Firefighters, is currently at Morgonstudie

– We believe that we are today less well prepared than the readiness we had had at the ## 148 ## Västmanlands fire in 2014.

The Italian plan to start the water bomb.

According to Leif Ekström, the fire department in Härjedalen, the plan is to try to fight fire from the air and not to have ground personnel.

The plane that goes to the water bomb will remain eight days in Sweden

One of the Italian plans that would help turn off the work has technical problems.

Olle Ekeström, of Färilla, is a landowner and farmer, but also a part-time firefighter, and the last day has been difficult.

In Ljusdal, two new fires started during the night. (19659033) [19459033]

For several days, the rescue services of Jämtland, Gävleborg and Dalarna county worked to fight against the big forest fires. Until now, the situation seems tense and on Tuesday there was a shortage of resources and staff. Water bombs with helicopters have failed to stop fires

The send-off is now given to the Italian flames to start fighting fires on Wednesday. The plane will remain in Sweden for eight days.

– We have a firefighting plane at Örebro Airport and a plane that must arrive at the same place during the day. They will leave there and fly to the affected areas, "said Petter Engelbertsson, president of the Civil Protection and Preparedness Authority, MSB

Seven VMAs in Progress

D & # 39; first reached by one of the Italian plans, the fire is out Lillhärdal in Härjedalen, Jämtland County, tells the rescue service of SVT News Jämtland . The plan will also be implemented primarily in Gävleborg County, where Ljusdal is located, and in Älvdalen in Dalarna County.

Currently, 36 rescue cases in the country, according to SOS Alarm, small grass fires at large forest fires. There are seven ongoing VMA (19659022) – three fires in Jämtland, three in Gävleborg and one in Dalarna county

– The rescue service was set up all night and Said Mathilda Jansson, president of SOS Alarm.

On Tuesday, 55 people were evacuated in the municipality of Ljusdal in the vicinity of Enskogen, Ängra and Kårböle. Nearly 60 properties in Härjedalen in Olingdal, Olingsjövallen were evacuated, as well as an area around Härjeåsjön near Sveg.

Armed Forces in Place

Also, members of the Armed Forces are involved in the fight against fires.

– We currently have about 160 people working and working 24 hours a day. It is based on volunteers and they often live near the affected areas. Rickard Wissman, Chief Prosecutor of the Armed Forces

In the two months that followed, fires ravaged Sweden and drought continued at least once a week

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